Главная » 2015 » Октябрь » 14 » Рейчел Кейн хочет издать 10 книгу серии Повелители Стихий
Рейчел Кейн хочет издать 10 книгу серии Повелители Стихий
Рейчел Кейн хочет самостоятельно издать 10 книгу серии Повелители Стихий. Сейчас она собирает деньги, чтобы воспользоваться услугами профессиональных редактора, оформителя и художника. И так как необходимая сумма почти собрана и остается еще 9 дней, появляются дополнительные возможности помимо электронной книги и ограниченного количества печатных экземпляров:
$7000 - аудиокнига
$8000 - $10,000 - рассказы
$10,001 и больше - новелла про Дэвида.

Аннотация (содержит спойлеры!):
RED HOT RAIN starts a few years after the end of TOTAL ECLIPSE, in a world that seems to finally be settled. Mother Earth isn't mad at us. The Djinn have kissed and made up (sometimes literally) with the Wardens, and the two sides work together to solve whatever problems do arise. All good, right?
When Joanne Baldwin first hears about a freak monster storm that destroys the rebuilding community of Lubbock, Texas, she takes a personal trip to find out what's going on. Problem is, seems like it's exactly as it appears: a freak natural occurrence. 
But when the same kind of storm tears a killer swath across the country to follow her home, and all her Warden powers can't put a dent in it, it's clear there's more to this storm front than physics. Soon, Joanne's embroiled in a deadly struggle against a mysterious, powerful opponent, and her husband David--most powerful of the Djinn--seems strangely unhelpful against whatever's coming for her. Even Lewis, her long-time friend and ally, now an otherworldly consort to Mother Earth herself, doesn't seem inclined (or able) to help. Someone's got the mother of all grudges against Joanne Baldwin, and they're coming at her hard.
And not just her. Joanne's not just fighting for her own life. It's coming for her son, too.
It'll be up to Joanne to save herself and her son from the storm that's coming for them ... a storm that wants to erase Joanne Baldwin and everyone she loves from the face of the earth.

P.S. обложка временная к проекту сбора средств.
Категория: Новости от автора | Просмотров: 1403 | Добавил: Linara | Теги: Повелители Стихий, Red Hot Rain, Weather Warden, Рейчел Кейн, Rachel Caine | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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